New Website Questionnaire Your name* Your email* Your phone* Tell us about your business, organization, or reason for having/needing a website. Site Purpose (select all that apply) InformationalE-CommercePortfolioBloggingSocial/ForumEvent/RegistrationOther What is the current or intended domain name for this new site? Do you have additional URLs you wish to point to your new website? If so please list them here. Where will we obtain content for your new site? (select all that apply) I'm creating new content for this siteI'm using content from my old siteI'd like to pay Apparatus to write the content for me How will we handle your logo/branding? —Please choose an option—I wish to keep my existing brandingI need help with a rebrand About how many pages do you think your website will need? Who would you consider to be your main competitor or competitors? Describe your target Audience / Demographics (examples: age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religion, needs, wants, cares, etc.) If you currently own a website, with whom is it hosted? Are there any specific software integrations needed on the new site? Integrate with your Contact Management System, database, API, social sharing widgets, or other integrations. Please list below. Will the new site offer e-commerce? [Selling of products/services, paid subscriptions, downloads, donations, etc.] —Please choose an option—yesno Describe your e-commerce needs in detail (if applicable) Do you have any other specific programming needs such as a database, search capability on your site, individual user accounts, etc. Please explain these requirements in detail (if applicable).? List a few websites you really love to use. Tell us what you like about each one. Anything else you'd like us to know?