For the vast majority of small to medium businesses, web hosting may feel like a necessary evil. We recognize the pain that web hosting can represent for your business. We decided this was a problem we were fully capable of solving for our clients.
We offer rock-solid, scalable web hosting for your Wordpress based website. By managing your website's hosting for you, you are free to focus on what matters most to your business. You can sleep soundly knowing your website is running smoothly.
Already on Wordpress? Awesome! We'll migrate your site to our hosting platform at no charge.
With our recommended hosting plan, we consistently keep your site up-to-date, stable, and secure. In addition to monthly site maintenance, we throw in a full hour of design/development work each month. You can use your hour for anything from site content additions, to new feature development. We believe that keeping your site fresh with new content and updated features is the key to improving your site's conversion rates and usability. What could you do with a full hour of development time each month?
Our Hosting Plans:
Basic Hosting
Most Popular
Recommended Hosting
* Free hour each month is a retainer and cannot be rolled-over to future months if left unused.
Ready to leave your hosting woes behind you? Contact us today to learn more about hosting with Apparatus.